
 In the previous post I stated that we wouldn't be going to the Philippines to accompany the sister missionaries to the temple.  Two days before we were to leave we got notice that indeed we WERE still going!  We hurried to deliver the 6th of 7 temple preparation classes (the 7th to be given after their first temple session), got our Covid tests and went to the airport.  We accompanied five delightful sisters who would be released two days after our return and three within the next two months.  While in Cebu we were able to spend the majority of three wonderful days in the temple.  Some of them even brought some of their own family names.  Cebu is definitely part of a third world country, but the people were so nice, and the temple president and his wife, President and Sister Siady were extremely accommodating.  Hong Kong had arranged for us to stay in patron housing which was far better than I expected, and the meals were catered just for us three delicious meals a day.  This will